Below are some articles I wrote for Catalogue & Index, the periodical of the CILIP Cataloguing and Indexing Group (CIG). They are all now freely available as PDFs in UCL’s repository. The first three were written following CIG”s Linked Data:…
CILIP (not) on Newsnight
I understand that CILIP was actually offered a chance to talk on Newsnight the other day. I’ve always been of the opinion that CILIP should make more effort to push itself into the media, to publicise and stand-up for the…
Phil Bradley on CILIP in 2020
Phil Bradley has written a long “a stream of thought” post on how he would like to see CILIP looking in ten years’ time. I’m not sure how much I agree with a lot of it, but it is interesting…
CILIP has RSS feed for job vacancies
Finally, CILIP has RSS feeds for its Lisjobnet library vacancies service! Hurrah! Although the RSS Jobs Feed page still has the title Temporary Librarian Jobs RSS Feed and text saying LIS Jobs Temps uses this technology to update you with…
Librarians go like the clappers, say experts, says the Daily Mash
According to the Daily Mash, QUIET, bespectacled female librarians really do go like a bloody train, it was confirmed last night. I expect CILIP are, as ever, behind this contribution to the image of the librarian.
Grappling with web 2.0 by holding a large formal meeting
The UK library world (at least online) today seems obsessed by the debate/session being held at CILIP today to discuss the organisation’s involvement with web 2.0, mostly centered on CILIP’s failure to engage with anything like Twitter, Facebook, open blogs…
Twittering about CILIP
Bob McGee (chief executive of CILIP) asks if CILIP should get involved with Twitter. Phil Bradley answers in no uncertain terms. My own comment on the matter can be found on Phil Bradley’s post (together with a further plug for…
Criticism of CILIP
There have been a number of recent posts debating, and in some cases criticising, CILIP and why one would join or become a chartered member: In CILIP: What is it good for?, Information Overlord asked if you’re a member, why…
CILIP advocacy
After using the word advocacy a lot (but being rather shy about it), it seems that CILIP are actually going to do some public advocacy of the library profession and support the quality of the public library service. They have…
CILIP on Second Life
After all my criticisms of CILIP not embracing new information technology, in particular RSS feeds, they went and opened an office in Second Life. Ian Snowley (IanSnowley Allen), CILIP president, explains how he gave the inaugural address at the office…