Fans of pie might want to sign Scaryduck‘s Bring Back the Breville Pie Magic petition. The Breville Pie Magic is apparently now only available in Australia, which prompted Scaryduck to comment: This is important*, dammit. We’ve got The Ashes. The…
Would libraries exist?
Library Stuff has some interesting thoughts on whether libraries could be allowed to exist now if they didn’t already considering all of the current legal issues surrounding copyright and IP. I would doubt it, especially for public libraries. However, there…
<a href="">004</a>
Although it is more of a glorified tweak, mostly to make the site more amenable to smaller screens, to finally get the Anglo-Saxon rune poem and its translation visible, and include both Google and Wikipedia search boxes, at least for…
Personal collection managers
I wish had more time and effort to look at personal collection managers, as discussed on Library Stuff. These allow anyone to make a personal catalogue of their book collection. I can think of some (non-librarian) people I know who…
I’ve had a little play with a new web-based similiar-to-Bloglines RSS aggregator, Side4 (via Library Stuff). One thing I didn’t think a Bloglines rival would do is add another frame; if they got rid of a frame I might be…
We recently signed up to an organic vegbox scheme. Partly, this was so we could get regular fresh vegetables which you just cannot get from Sandy, despite it being famous for market gardening. Supermarket vegetables (and a lot of their…
001 again
001 again.
MyGuestMap is a service, based on Google Maps, which lets your blog readers place a pin on a map to show you where they are (via Simon Brunning). Please let me know where you are on mine. You can zoom…
Dui Decimal Clasification [sic]
I was aware that Melvil Dewey, serial nutcase and occasional librarian, had dipped into spelling reform (he even changed his name to Melvil Dui) but last week I had the opportunity to catalogue a 1922 edition of the Dewey classification…
001. Again.