Salve munde

As a way of practising writing in Latin, I have started Aurentius Urus, a weblog written entirely in Latin, except for the bumf down the side and so on. If you really want to read a weblog in Latin with scintillating content, you are probably better off reading something like Mea Vita Fabulosa or Vir Cum Pluteo Pleno. I suspect they know more than two declensions and one and a half conjugations.

The main problem I foresee is writing about the modern world in an ancient language. Not having a Vatican Latin dictionary to hand, I will have to fall back on diligent research (e.g. this site suggests that ephemeris would be the Latin for weblog), sites like this list of computer terminology, and my own appalling sense of humour.

The site has been set up using WordPress so I only have to really think about the Latin rather than the Perl or MySQL and so I can have a go at a web-hosted weblogging system.

3 thoughts on “Salve munde

  1. You brave soul! Hic opus, hic labor est! Make sure you look up King’s Pizza and use the correct case.

  2. I wouldn’t hold your breath for anything great. Most of the entries will probably consist of strange sentences about slaves as that’s all I have the grammar and vocab to say. Servos multos non habeo etc.

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