NHS recruitment

Librarywebbie makes the interesting point that librarians have been left out of the recent NHS recruitment campaign on TV and wonders if CILIP should be doing anything about it.

On a vaguely related note, CILIP have released a report (summary available to non-members in yacky pdf) profiling their membership following a survey and includes a section on what CILIP members would like CILIP to do to “improve their professional standing” which came out as:

  1. Pay and grading issues (25%)
  2. Recognition of librarianship as a profession (20%)
  3. Image of librarians (9%)
  4. Chartership issues (7%)
  5. CILIP to be more proactive (7%)
  6. Advertising of low paid jobs (6% though surely the same as item 1)
  7. Professionalism (5% and I’m not sure precisely what is meant)
  8. Training (4%)
  9. Other (17% presumably)

I’ll be interested to see if anything comes of this, especially with regard to the high demand for action on pay and grading issues.