I’ve had a little play with a new web-based similiar-to-Bloglines RSS aggregator, Side4 (via Library Stuff). One thing I didn’t think a Bloglines rival would do is add another frame; if they got rid of a frame I might be impressed. It does look fairly neat though, if only the text of the posts didn’t spill over the side of the page. There are a couple of other irksome features that have put me off for now: the add feed feature doesn’t intelligently find available feeds like Bloglines does; it seems insistent that I want to subscribe to a shortlist of popular feeds (slashdot, boing boing, etc.) which I have no wish to subscribe to: maybe they are trying to kick start usage; there seems no easy way to mark items as read/unread; there are icons with no text attached, such as this which I think means Home. Really, am I bothered?